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How to Get the Most Out of Your Sunscreen

After spending months cooped up indoors, many of us can't wait to get outside and make the most of summer. But before you head out to bask in the beautiful...

Everyone Needs a Little C.A.K.E.

Community health interventions are generally a highlight during medical school, so it’s no surprise that once students become doctors, many blaze a humanitarian path outside the office to serve their...

3 Essential Things for Men’s Health

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, civil unrest in our nation, and our own personal struggles and circumstances, our well-being is at threat. That’s why now more than ever...

To All Women – Take Care of Yourself

Women tend to put the health care needs of others before themselves. As a result, some women might miss getting that annual exam and preventive screening or worse, delay seeking...

National Migraine & Headache Awareness Month

Migraine is the third most common illness in the world. While many experience attacks only once or twice a month, over 4 million people suffer from chronic daily migraine, an...

A Guide to the Common Cold

While seasonal colds peak in the winter and spring, it can strike any time of the year. Runny nose and scratchy throat are telltale first signs of a common cold...

The Summer Safety Tips You Need to Know

Summer has arrived and we're finally able to venture out of the house (responsibly, of course) to relax outdoors. But, as fun as summer can be, the season does carry...

Planning for Pregnancy?

Being proactive with your health before pregnancy can help prevent future problems for yourself and your baby.

How to Safely Remove a Tick from Your Body

With summer in full swing, chances are that you'll be spending more time outside hiking, having picnics, or even camping. But despite its beauty, nature also brings with it some...

Immunosuppression + COVID-19

People with compromised immune systems face increased fears about COVID-19 as businesses and public facilities begin to reopen. Immunosuppression may arise from conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.