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How Effective Hand Therapy is Changing Lives

When we experience hand-related injuries, our lives can easily get thrown off track. Injured arms and hands can keep you from working your job and generally living a pain-free life...

Eating Right: How IBS Diets Can Improve Your Life

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) affects 1 in 20 people in the United States. This intestinal disorder can create severe discomfort and throw the normalcy of everyday life off balance.

Erasing the Stigma: May is Mental Health Awareness Month

Mental Health Awareness Month is here again, and it's crucial, now more than ever, to explore the struggles, successes, and stories of those who have a mental illness. There still...

How to Treat a Stress Rash

The brain has powerful effects on the body, and prolonged stress, anxiety, and other factors can manifest in an unpleasant stress reaction. Add to that preexisting skin conditions, and you...

Meaningful Steps to Healthy Weight Loss

Spring is here and with it comes the temptation to try yet another fad diet to help you quickly lose some extra winter and/or pandemic pounds.

Clinical Trials at Summit Health

What is the best way to test a new treatment or vaccine? The answer is usually clinical trials — a form of medical research that allows doctors to safely and...

Understanding Stuttering: From Diagnosis to Management

Everyone stumbles over their words at times. But when the flow of a child’s or adult’s speech is significantly disrupted, it may be a sign of stuttering, a common communication...

Hearing Loss: What You Need to Know

Hearing is one of our most important senses—it allows us to connect with the world and communicate with those around us. Oftentimes, we do not realize how crucial our hearing...

How Women Can Stay on Top of Their Health

As a woman, taking steps to maintain your health is one of the most important things you can do to ensure a long and healthy life. The best way to...

Vaccinate Your Way Back to Normal Life

Only a few months ago, life after COVID felt impossible to envision. But now, with everyone ages 16+ eligible for vaccination and the vaccine rollout progressing, it isn't just a...