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How to Manage Migraines

A migraine is not just a bad headache. It’s a disabling neurological disease that an estimated 39 million Americans live with, according to The American Migraine Foundation.

How Swimming Can Affect Eczema

There are numerous health benefits of swimming, including building endurance, muscle strength and cardiovascular fitness, as well as being great for general well-being.

5 Facts About Acute Stress Disorder

Stress is one of the leading causes of health problems in the United States. Patients experiencing high stress levels, especially after experiencing a traumatic event, can develop further harmful health...

How to Eat Healthy on a Budget

Have you ever checked out at the supermarket and gasped at the bill? It doesn’t have to cost more to eat healthy. Even though fruits, veggies, and lean meats are...

Better Understanding BAC: How Blood Alcohol Concentration is Measured

When thinking of blood alcohol concentration (BAC), images of someone taking a breathalyzer on the side of the road may come to mind. But measuring one's blood alcohol level is...

How to Be Social Again Post-COVID

As COVID-19 cases drop down to manageable numbers and vaccinated people take off their masks, you might have mixed feelings about re-entering society.

Getting Back on Track After Pandemic Weight Gain

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted people's health, both mentally and physically. One of the most notable impacts of that is weight gain, which leads to many health problems in both...

Causes and Prevention of Men's Health Issues

One of the keys to a long and healthy life is taking preventative steps against potential medical problems. “Statistically, women outpace men in terms of life expectancy, and there are...

Keep Your Summer Safe and Healthy

Summer is around the corner and so are all the outdoor activities that come with it, like hiking wildflower-studded trails, puttering around in the garden, going on picnics, and taking...

Living with Multiple Sclerosis: A Patient Story

Three years ago, Teyana Goodwin began experiencing intermittent vague symptoms like double vision, muscle spasms, fatigue, and extreme nausea. The otherwise healthy 28-year-old went to several emergency rooms and physicians...