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Varicose veins or spider veins are usually diagnosed based on their appearance, with no need for special tests to confirm the diagnosis.

Varicose veins, in particular, can be uncomfortable as well as unattractive. Often worsening over time, they can cause problems such as pain, swelling, sores, and itching.

Vein Removal treatment for varicose veins can reduce symptoms, prevent complications, and improve your appearance.

Symptoms of Varicose Veins and Spider Veins

Varicose veins in your legs are enlarged and may look blue, twisted, or ropelike. You may have no other symptoms, or you may have:

  • Swelling in the legs, ankles, or feet
  • Cramps or general aching in the legs or aching in the area where the veins are swollen
  • Feeling of heaviness in legs or leg muscles that tire easily
  • Itching of the skin around the veins
  • Discoloration or sores on your skin, especially near the ankle, from poor circulation

Spider veins are generally asymptomatic except for their unsightly appearance. They are tiny veins that usually appear on the face and legs.

Our Vein Removal Treatments

At the Summit Health Vein Center, our expert, board-certified vascular surgeon uses both surgical and nonsurgical techniques to effectively treat spider veins and varicose veins. For example, sclerotherapy is a relatively painless procedure that often is used to treat veins. It involves injecting veins with sclerosant, a special chemical that causes the vein to close. The process stops blood flow, causing the vein to develop into scar tissue that typically fades over the course of a few weeks. Blood flow from the closed vein is then routed through healthy neighboring veins, restoring normal blood flow to the area.

The procedure requires no anesthesia and usually takes 5 to 30 minutes, depending on the number and size of the varicose veins. Sclerotherapy has been used safely for decades to treat both varicose and spider veins.

Laser Treatment for Spider Veins and Varicose Veins

We also offer laser therapy for varicose and spider veins. Often used in addition to sclerotherapy to treat spider veins that are too small for injection, laser treatment involves applying strong light bursts onto the vein to destroy the tissue. Like sclerotherapy, laser treatment allows the vein to fade over time. The number of treatments depends on the size and number of veins.

If you are interested in learning more about surgical and nonsurgical options for treating spider and varicose veins, please call us to schedule an appointment. Our vascular surgeon will discuss your needs, explain your options, and tell you what you can expect.

Before and after vein treatment


Pre-Procedure Patient Instructions: Endovenous Ablation Procedure

Post-Procedure Patient Instructions: Endovenous Ablation Procedure

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