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Vascular Labs Hours

vascular labs

Vascular Labs

To schedule a vascular exam call 908-277-8673​

Our vascular labs provide non-invasive diagnostic ultrasound tests on arteries and veins to confirm diagnosis of vascular conditions, track disease progression and determine the best treatment plan.

All Summit Health Vascular Labs offer the following painless and non-invasive procedures to assess how well blood flows in the arteries and veins:

Carotid Duplex Imaging

What is a Carotid Duplex Scan?

A carotid duplex scan is an ultrasound test that looks for blockages in a patient’s carotid arteries, which are located on either side of the neck.

Why would I need a Carotid Duplex Scan?

A carotid duplex scan can detect buildup of cholesterol plaque in your carotid arteries. This exam is important in stroke prevention and other dangerous health issues.

Lower and Upper Arterial Doppler and Duplex

What is an Arterial Doppler and Duplex?

An arterial Doppler is a blood pressure cuff test that documents the arterial circulation in a patient’s legs or arms. Arterial duplex is an ultrasound exam that can map these arteries and pinpoint disease location.

Why would I need an arterial Doppler or a duplex?

These lower arterial exams can detect narrowing of vessels or hardening of the arteries that may be causing:

  • leg pain when walking also known as claudication
  • severe foot pain when resting
  • poorly healing foot, toe or finger wounds
  • diabetic conditions
  • peripheral aneurysms​
  • Raynaud’s​

​Lower and Upper Venous Duplex Imaging

What is venous duplex imaging?

A venous duplex scan is an ultrasound exam that documents leg or arm veins that return blood to the heart.

Why would I need venous duplex imaging?

A venous duplex scan helps to determine how blood is flowing through a patient’s veins. This scan is very useful in the detection of a blood clot in the veins also called a deep venous thrombosis (DVT) that may be causing leg or arm swelling and pain. It is used in the prevention and treatment of pulmonary embolism (PE). It also has an important use in the treatment of varicose veins.

Aorto-iliac duplex

What is an Aorto-Iliac Duplex?

An Aorto-Iliac Duplex is an ultrasound exam that maps of the arteries and veins in a patient’s abdomen and pelvis.

Why would I need an Aorto-iliac Duplex?

An Aorto-iliac duplex can detect narrowing and dilations of vessels that may be causing;

  • Leg claudication
  • abdominal bruit
  • abdominal aortic aneurysms
  • Iliac artery aneurysms
  • Vein conditions

Other vascular exams

  • Renal Arterial Duplex of the kidney renal arteries to determine the best treatment for hypertension and kidney disease by detecting vascular issues within the arteries supplying the kidneys
  • Vascular Dialysis Access duplex that keep these conduits working
  • Mesenteric Duplex to determine blockages and aneurysms of the gastrointestinal organs
  • Leg bypasses and stents

Vascular Screenings

Vascular screenings are open to adult patients who are at risk for vascular disease but who have not yet shown any signs or symptoms. Vascular screenings are most beneficial to patients with known risk factors for heart disease or stroke. It is also beneficial to patients who are over the age of 40, those with long-term high cholesterol or high blood pressure (hypertension), those with diabetes or who smoke.  These screenings are designed to identify patients who might have undiagnosed abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA), peripheral arterial disease (PAD) and carotid artery disease for risk of stroke.


Our vascular labs have state-of-the-art GE ultrasound machines that produce high definition, quality images with excellent resolution, even in hard to scan patient’s including patients suffering from obesity.

Our lab staff consists of Registered Vascular Technologists (ARDMS: American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography) and Registered Vascular Specialists (CCI: Cardiovascular Credentialing International).
Our vascular labs are overseen by board-certified vascular surgeons and cardiologists.