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The Summer Safety Tips You Need to Know

Summer has arrived and we're finally able to venture out of the house (responsibly, of course) to relax outdoors. But, as fun as summer can be, the season does carry...

Planning for Pregnancy?

Being proactive with your health before pregnancy can help prevent future problems for yourself and your baby.

How to Safely Remove a Tick from Your Body

With summer in full swing, chances are that you'll be spending more time outside hiking, having picnics, or even camping. But despite its beauty, nature also brings with it some...

Immunosuppression + COVID-19

People with compromised immune systems face increased fears about COVID-19 as businesses and public facilities begin to reopen. Immunosuppression may arise from conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

Men: Take Steps for Better Health

If you don’t know the name of your primary care physician (PCP) or need regular nudging to make an appointment, it might be time to reconnect. Many men put off...

National Cancer Survivors Day 2020

The National Cancer Survivors Day® Foundation defines a cancer survivor as anyone living with a history of cancer – from the moment of diagnosis through the remainder of life. June...

Attacking Pain from Every Angle

Pain is a complicated experience. It varies from person to person, even among those who have the same injury or illness. And the response to different pain treatments is variable...

CDC Issues Guidelines for Public Pools During COVID-19

While we await word on whether community pools will open, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued guidelines and considerations for public pools and other aquatic facilities...

Stay Safe in the Sun

As the warm weather beckons us to spend more time outdoors, it’s an especially good time for a refresher on how to practice sun safety and stay protected against the...

Common Causes of Night Sweats

The medical causes of night sweats or sleep hyperhidrosis are numerous. Night sweats can be caused by hormonal fluctuations or disorders, infection and fever, and side effects from medication.