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With Age Comes Wisdom: Geriatric Medicine

It's no surprise that as we age, health problems tend to pop up more often. Older adults encounter a variety of health risks, mostly stemming from the natural aging process...

Uterine Fibroids: What Every Woman Needs to Know

If you are a woman, chances are you will develop uterine fibroids at some point in your life. Fibroids, or growths that develop from the cells of the uterus, are...

Transition Tips for Your Child's Return to School

As most school districts aim to fully reopen this fall, anxiety is high among many parents who find themselves wondering if the mental and physical benefits of returning to school...

Getting Back on Track With Immunizations

COVID-19 has disrupted many things, and after more than a year of adapting to pandemic life and juggling new routines, scheduling your children's annual immunization appointments might feel a bit...

How to Help Your Child Overcome Pandemic Weight Gain

Childhood obesity is a common condition in the United States, affecting millions of children. Read more to learn how to help your child overcome pandemic weight gain.

What is Psoriasis? Causes, Effects, and Recommended Treatment

The skin is the body’s largest organ, so it’s imperative that we take care of it, especially in the summer months when the sun and extreme temperatures can take a...

Cholesterol and How to Manage It

Cholesterol is a key factor for individuals who want to lower their risk for stroke and maintain a healthy heart.

Do You Have Pandemic Tummy?

Have you been experiencing stomach pain, bloating, or a change in bowel habits since the pandemic started?

Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: Early Signs and Symptoms

Arthritis is a condition that most people consider to be an affliction of the elderly. However, while the condition does tend to skew towards older individuals, arthritis can affect children...

The Best Nutritional Practices to Help With Celiac Disease Symptoms

Approximately 1 in 100 people worldwide are affected by celiac disease. While this disease manifests itself through painful and uncomfortable symptoms a mindful diet can help curb symptoms and inflammation...