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Digestive health is important to your overall health and well-being. At Summit Health, we pride ourselves on giving you the care you need to keep your digestive health in check for years to come.

Our Approach to Gastroenterology

Summit Health gastroenterologists are there for all your digestive health needs. We work to prevent, diagnose, and treat the full spectrum of gastroenterological conditions using state-of-the-art procedures and advanced testing methods.

Conditions We Treat

Most Commonly Performed Procedures

Upper GI Endoscopy

An upper GI endoscopy is an outpatient procedure used to visualize the inside your esophagus, stomach, and the first part of the small intestine (duodenum). The endoscope is a flexible tube with a special type of camera that sends pictures of the lining of your gastrointestinal tract to a video screen. The procedure is done with sedation by an anesthesiologist and there is no discomfort associated with the procedure.


Colonoscopy is an outpatient procedure used to visualize the entire large intestine (colon). The colonoscope is a slim, flexible tube with a special type of camera that sends pictures of the lining of your gastrointestinal tract to a video screen. The colonoscope is inserted into anus while the patient is sedated and it allows your gastroenterologist to examine the inside of your colon and rectum.

Colonoscopy is the best technique to prevent colon cancer. Colon cancer screening is recommended for all adults starting at 45 with no symptoms or family history. Lifetime risk of colon cancer is 5% or 1 in 20 for both men and women.  If you have symptoms or family history of cancer, screening may be recommended starting at an earlier age. Colonoscopy allows your physician to find and remove precancerous growths called polyps before they become cancers and allows for the detection of early colon cancers when they are easily treatable. Polyps which are detected during the procedure are removed at that time. The procedure is done with sedation by an anesthesiologist and there is typically no discomfort associated with the procedure including the removal of polyps.

Why Choose Summit Health

Collaboration across Summit Health

Sometimes it can be challenging to know whether the symptoms you’re experiencing are due to a digestive health issue. That’s where Summit Health can help. With a full range of specialists who work closely together and share one electronic health record, we can make sure you get to the right provider — close to home.

Management of acute and chronic digestive diseases

Our gastroenterologists have an impressive breadth of knowledge and experience that covers the spectrum of digestive diseases. They specialize in cancer prevention, inflammatory bowel disease, liver disease and pancreatic disease.

Summit Health understands that many digestive diseases are chronic. Therefore, we strive to provide compassionate care focused on optimizing health and improving quality of life. Our multidisciplinary approach includes coordinated care amongst surgeons, oncologists, and a support staff of nutritionist and genetic counselors.

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