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What is Platelet Rich Plasma Injections? Q&A with a Physiatrist

Explore the benefits and applications of Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) injections in our detailed Q&A with Summit Health physiatrist Gerard D’Onofrio, MD.

Alternative Therapies for Pregnancy Discomfort and Pain

A variety of health problems develop during pregnancy that can put a damper on the excitement of welcoming a baby into the world such as headaches, nausea, heartburn, constipation, and...

What Your Pain Could Mean and What You Should Do

Trying to determine the best route to take when you're in pain is both confusing and stressful. It is helpful, however, to put the pain in context of any underlying...

Attacking Pain from Every Angle

Pain is a complicated experience. It varies from person to person, even among those who have the same injury or illness. And the response to different pain treatments is variable...

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